Sunday, April 7, 2013

Formula Equation Lab

                                   This is the chemical reaction:Aluminum + Sodium Hydroxide = Aluminum Hydroxide + Sodium

 Al +NaHO2= AlHO + Na

To do this reaction first we had to make the Sodium Hydroxide aqueous.  We dissolved the sodium chloride into water the added the aluminum( in the form of tin foil) and the reaction immediately.  The aluminum began to dissolve and it turned the solution a dark grey color. This was the the aluminum coming off the foil and bonding with the hydroxide. Because this is a single replacement reaction the Aluminum takes the place of the Sodium and forcing it the Sodium out and becoming a Hydroxide.  

This is a Picture of the reaction. The Aluminum has started to bond with the Hydroxide and has started to turn the solution a grey color.
This picture was taken my Emily Hunsinger

Chemical Formula

So in chemistry we are learning how to balance chemical equations and it is a fairly easy concept.  The purpose of balancing a equation is because due to the Law Of Conservation of matter that says matter cannot be created or destroyed each side of the equation must have the same number of each element, or it is not a reaction.